Arrival/Dismissal Information
Our doors open to welcome our elementary students each morning at 8:20am. Students should then proceed to class as our teachers are excited to begin with their class family at the start of each day! Breakfast will be provided in the classroom to those students who choose to order and eat breakfast.
Students should not arrive at school earlier than 8:20 a.m. Staff supervision begins at 8:20 a.m. The tardy bell rings at 8:35 a.m.
Walkers/Bike Riders wait in front of the main entrance and enter into the building when the 8:20am bell rings and doors are opened.
Bus riders will wait on the bus until a teacher arrives to unload along the front driveway east of the building. Students will wear masks. Family members should be seated together. Bus drivers will seat students in the order they are picked up.
Car riders/Daycare van riders are to be unloaded using the north/side driveway. We ask that you patiently wait in your car until you reach the front of the line and a staff member welcomes you and your student(s) before they exit your vehicle. Please help your child open their car door because staff is unable to do so. A staff member will direct your student to the correct classroom.
Anyone needing to exit their car should park in the parking spots that are available.
-- No vehicle should enter the front lot during arrival for the safety of our students, buses and staff--
Visitors are welcome and to help us maintain the safety of our students [which is our first priority] we ask our special guests to commit to the following expectations:
Arrive 5-10 min before your child’s lunch. Bring your identification as you check in at the office and receive your visitor's badge from our Raptor Security System. You will not be allowed inside without going through our Raptor security system. Your driver's license is required.
Your student will join you at the guest table during their scheduled 20-25 minute shift.
Eating lunch is a special time for you and your child. Classroom friends cannot be invited to the guest table.
You are more than welcome to bring outside food for you and your child to enjoy.
Due to allergy/diet concerns, we ask that our guests not share outside food or drink with students other than their own.
Raymore Peculiar School District's privacy policy requires our guests to take photos of only their students.
We ask that guests give a quick farewell at the table to allow students to leave when their class is dismissed from lunch. This helps students stay on schedule and allows the table to open up for the other guests coming in.
When lunch is over, guests will return to the office to check out as this allows us to account for the number of guests in our building.
Our home/school partnership is extremely valued. The office will be happy to answer any questions you may have. We appreciate your cooperation regarding our safety protocols.
There is nothing more important to our staff at Raymore Elementary than the safety of our students. Raymore Elementary utilizes three primary procedures to dismiss students from the school at the end of the day: (1) student walkers/biker riders, (2) car riders, (3) daycare riders, and (4) bus riders. All dismissal changes should be communicated to our office via phone [816-892-1925] or by email [] by 2:30pm. This allows sufficient time to notify teachers and students of changes.
Walkers/Bike Riders
Students will be dismissed to a designated room via the school's public address system at 3:50pm where teachers will check attendance based on regular dismissal routines and/or a called in or emailed dismissal change by the parent. Once dismissed, students will be escorted out by a teacher and are asked to use the Madison Street crosswalk with the help of the crossing guard/adult to exit crossing the north entrance of the building. We encourage all parents to have a discussion with their child to ensure they understand the route they should take in case their walking instructions change from their norm (for example, someone different is meeting them or possibly walking on their own when they usually are walking with an adult.)
Car Riders
Students will be dismissed to the library (or another designated room when necessary) via the school's public address system at 3:50pm where teachers will check attendance based on regular dismissal routines and/or a called in or emailed dismissal change by the parent.
All vehicles are to pick up car riders using the north/side driveway.
Please make sure you have a Raymore Elementary yellow car tag with your child's first & last name visible in the front window of your vehicle. If you need a yellow car tag, please notify the office.
No cars should enter the front lot during dismissal for the safety of our students, buses and staff. Anyone needing to exit their car should park in the parking spots that are available in the north parking lot [during arrival or dismissal].
For the safety of your children, please be ready to show your ID if you do not have a yellow car tag or if staff may have a question/concern.