ACT Information
Register for the ACT - $69.00 for regular registration and $107.00 with a late fee
The RayPec High School code is 262580. That is what students use to indicate that they are a RP student so their scores get sent to us.
The RayPec Test Center Code is 166690. This is what students use to select RP as the testing location.
Ray-Pec After School Prep Class
The ACT Prep Course combines test strategy, content review, and guided practice for students to prepare both independently and through in-person sessions. For more information, contact Lisa Roberts at or Bridget Eischeid at
To register for the after school prep class, fill out this Google form, and pay online here, or in the finance office in the main office at the high school. The Google form has information about dates and times for the upcoming class.
Power Prep ACT One Day Prep Class for Summit Tech Students
When: Friday, February 28, 2025
From 8:30am-2:30pm ( Lunch is not included)
Where: Summit Technology Academy1101 NW Innovations Pkwy, Lee's Summit, MO 64086
This class includes practical and relevant information on how to increase your ACT score. It shows you how to control the test and not let it control you! The workshop covers what will be on the test and how to master test-taking techniques. Register Here
Free ACT Resources
Varsity Tutors-ACT - Practice and learn necessary skills for ACT tests.
Learning Express Library - Access practice ACT, SAT, AP and other college preparatory tests. Create an account using your RP login username and password.
MARCH 2 SUCCESS - Free test-taking resource available for students The U.S. Army Recruiting Command is helping prospective recruits and other students improve their test-taking strategies and math, science and English skills through March2Success, a free Web-based program. Registrants may request recruiter contact through the site; however, they are not required to do so and will not be contacted without request.
ACT Prep Classes 2024-2025
Important Dates for 2024-2025 ACT Prep Class
Students (not just their parents) need to notify AND bridget.eischeid@raypec.orgthat they will be participating in the course AT LEAST one week before the first session to ensure materials will be available. They need to enroll using the Google Form that will be sent out and pay $45 to RPHS for the course. Students must be signed up by February 21, 2025.
Students need to be present for the classes and complete assignments throughout their session. It is their responsibility to make arrangements with work and coaches ahead of time to ensure they can attend and complete the work.
Be on time and please enter at the Front Office. Classes will be held in room 212, including the Saturday Morning tests..
Class Sessions: Due to the signup deadline occurring before school resumes, these sessions will be after school by appointment in the weeks leading up to the test date.
Mon, Feb 24: 2:45-4:45 pm
Tue, Feb 25: 2:45-4:45 pm
Wed, Feb 26: 2:45-4:45 pm
Thur, Feb 27: 2:45-4:45 pm
SATURDAY, Mar 1: 8 am - noon (PRACTICE test starts at 8am)
Tue, Mar 4: 2:45-4:45 pm
Wed, Mar 5: 2:45-4:45 pm
Thur, Mar 6: 2:45-4:45 pm
Junior Test Day is Tue, March 11
Saturday, April 5 ACT Sign Up deadline: February 28
Accuplacer Placement Testing
ACCUPLACER is a computer based assessment test created to evaluate students’ skills in reading, writing, and mathematics. Many community colleges utilize the Accuplacer to determine eligibility for classes.
Metropolitan Community College (MCC) uses the Accuplacer Placement test to insure students are placed in the right classes to help them succeed. More information can be found HERE.
The document below gives numerous practice questions and the opportunity to prepare for the Accuplacer.
Mid 50 ACT for Missouri Colleges and Universities
Much of the ACT data show ACT scores for the 25th and 75th percentile of students. But what exactly do these numbers mean? Consider a college profile that presents the following ACT scores for the 25th and 75th percentiles:
ACT Composite: 21 / 26
ACT English: 20 / 26
ACT Math: 21 / 27
The lower number is for the 25th percentile of students who enrolled in (not just applied to) the college. For the school above, 25% of enrolled students received a math score of 21 or lower. The upper number is for the 75th percentile of students who enrolled in the college. For the above example, 75% of enrolled students got a math score of 27 or lower (looked at another way, 25% of students got above a 27).
For the school above, if you have an ACT math score of 28, you would be in the top 25% of applicants for that one measure. If you have a math score of 19, you are in the bottom 25% of applicants for that measure.
Understanding these numbers is important when you plan how many colleges to apply to, and when you figure out which schools are a reach, a match, or a safety. If your scores are below the 25th percentile numbers, you should consider the school a reach. Note that this does not mean you won't get in -- remember that 25% of students who enroll have a score that is at or below that lower number.
Links to Missouri and Kansas ACT Mid 50% Information
Missouri Colleges and Universities
College of the Ozarks
Maryville University
Missouri-Science and Technology
Rockhurst University
Saint Louis University
Stephens College
Truman State University
University of Missouri
Washington University
Webster University
Westminster College
William Jewell College
Research For A Nursing Program:
Kansas Colleges and Universities
Baker University
Benedictine College
Bethany College
Bethel College
Emporia State University
Fort Hays State University
Friends University
Haskell Indian Nations University
Kansas State University
Kansas Wesleyan University
McPherson College
MidAmerica Nazarene University
Newman University
Ottawa University
Pittsburg State University
Southwestern College
Sterling College
Tabor College
University of Kansas
University of Saint Mary
Washburn University
Wichita State University