High School XC Team
Varsity Girls Head Coach
Jay Johnson - RPXC707@gmail.com
Varsity Boys Head Coach
Jamin Swift - jamin.swift@raypec.org
Assistant Coaches
Alan Shields - alan.shields@raypec.org
Nicola Eve - nicola.eve@raypec.org
Summer Information

Sportsyou.com : Ray-Pec High School XC Team
Here is the sign-up process for the High School cross country communication system.
This is for all the parents and runners
Go to sportsyou.com Join the team Ray-Pec XC then use the access code AFDF3YF7
The girls group is called Ray-Pec XC Girls use the access code RMR24Y63
Athletic Physicals
Sports/activity physicals
Students (grades 7-12) planning to participate in athletics and marching band must have a completed, current physical on file with the high school Activities Office before practice begins. Physicals are good for two years from the date of the exam with physician approval. After obtaining the physical, please submit the form using the new Focus Student Information System. Instructions for uploading your activity physical
Any student without a current physical on file will not be allowed to attend practice/try-outs until submitting the completed form.
Additional resources
If you cannot find the information you are looking for, email rpxc707@gmail.com.
Read Coach Swift's Dissertation on Iron Deficiency - HERE
Cross country state rankings are found on Mo Mile Split web site www.momilesplit.com