International Baccalaureate
One requirement to take an IB course is to take the IB exam at the end of the course. There is a $119 fee for EACH IB exam taken.
Course candidates (those not completing the full IB Diploma) are responsible for paying their own fees, but Diploma candidates have their fees paid for the school district.
Sending IB Scores
Upon completion of your IB courses you can have your scores sent to the College/University of your choice.
Please click on the link below to submit a request.
Why Enter the International Baccalaureate Program?
IB classes better prepare students for the high academic expectations of college.
Students are required to become critical thinkers who are able to tackle difficult questions to difficult problems.
Students will learn time management skills that they will be able to utilize in their academic and personal lives.
Many colleges offer students credit for success on IB exams.
Students who take IB classes are more likely to be accepted into colleges and universities than other students, and those students who successfully complete the full IB Diploma have an even greater likelihood of university acceptance.
The core components of IB encourage students to participate in creative and service-oriented activities, while at the same time emphasizing the importance of reflection on a personal and academic level.
Who Should Take IB Classes?
Parents and students must understand that IB is not for everyone. Some students find the expectations and style of IB classes to be the right fit, while others find success and enjoyment in other academic options.
Students who are successful in IB classes are:
Self-Starting: IB teachers will have high expectations for the quality of student work. To meet these expectations, students will have to stay on top of their classwork and not procrastinate.
Motivated by Learning: Grades are obviously an important part of academics, but IB students should prioritize learning over grades.
Strong Readers: All IB teachers will be assigning complex, challenging readings throughout their courses. In order keep up, students need high level reading skills to comprehend and retain the information contained in these readings.
Not Afraid to Struggle: IB classes are purposely designed so that all students, even the best and brightest, struggle at times. The rationale behind this is that students are going to be challenged when they get to college, so they should learn how to cope with and push past these academic difficulties in high school.
Dedicated: Students who are part of the full Diploma Program will still have the opportunity to be a part of extracurricular activities, but Diploma Candidates will have to make academics their top priority to remain successful.
IB Mission Statement:
The International Baccalaureate (IB) aims to develop inquiring, knowledgeable, and caring young people who help to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect. Learn more about this demanding but exciting world-class program at http://www.ibo.org