Market Value Assets

A market value asset (MVA) is a cornerstone experience that prepares a student for future learning and employment. MVAs are authentic previews of the world of work or post secondary education. While the professional and academic worlds are ever changing, the outgrowths* students develop when they work on authentic projects with real employers and mentors are durable enough to benefit them throughout their lives.  Examples of MVA’s are:

  1. Work Experiences-  Internships, Client Connected Projects

  2. Entrepreneurial Experiences

  3. Regionally Vetted Industry Recognized Credentials (IRCs)

  4. College Credit- 9 or more hours in coursework progressing towards a college degree.


of students in the 2024 graduating class who engaged in at least one MVA.

Business Partnerships

Students in the Raymore-Peculiar School District benefit greatly from our real-world learning business partnerships, collaborating with a diverse array of community partners locally and in surrounding cities.

Among our most valued partnerships are the City and Chamber of Raymore and Peculiar, with whom we engage in numerous projects throughout the year. Additionally, the Kansas City Zoo, the Harry S. Truman Library & Museum, Bridging The Gap, and Wayside Waifs are key partners that support our students annually.

These collaborations enable our students to gain essential Market Value Assets (MVAs) and invaluable real-world experience, preparing them for future success.

Market Value Assets