Parent/Guardian Notice to Access Public Insurance

Dear Parents/Guardians:

For a number of years, Missouri has participated in a federal program called Medicaid School-Based Services. The program helps school districts by providing partial reimbursement for some medically related services listed on a student's individualized educational program (IEP). Under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), school districts are permitted to seek payment from public insurance programs such as Medicaid (called MOHealthNet in Missouri) for some IEP services provided at school.

In 2013, the requirements under the IDEA changed to be less burdensome for parents/guardians and schools. Before a school district may access your public insurance for the first time and every year thereafter, school districts must provide parents/guardians with written notification. So what does that mean?

What will you be asked to do?

You will be asked to give your consent in writing one time to release information from your child's education records, including information about the services your child receives through the IEP. This information is being released for the purpose of billing MO HealthNet and seeking partial payment for some medically related IEP services under the IDEA.

What type of information will be in the consent form?

The consent form must tell you the personally identifiable information that may be disclosed, such as your child's name, date of birth, Social Security number (if provided), Medicaid number or other identification, disability type, IEP and evaluations, types of services, times and dates of service, and progress notes. The consent form must also tell you the purpose of the disclosure (e.g., payment from MO HealthNet) and the agency that will get the information.

What does it mean if you give your consent?

By consenting, you state you understand and agree that your MO HealthNet insurance will be billed to partially pay the cost of IEP services and that the necessary information about your child and the IEP services may be shared with the MO HealthNet Division, a contracted billing agent, and/or a physician to obtain necessary supporting documentation (e.g., physician scripts, referrals) in order to access your MO HealthNet benefits.

Can you be required to enroll with the MO HealthNet Division (MHD) for public insurance?

You cannot be required to sign up for or enroll in public insurance for your child to receive a free appropriate public education, including IEP services.

Will your consent affect your family's MO HealthNet benefits?

No. Reimbursed services provided by your school district do not limit coverage, change eligibility, affect benefits, or count against visit or funding limits in MO HealthNet programs.

What if you change your mind?

You have the right to withdraw consent to disclose your child's personally identifiable information to the MO HealthNet Division for billing purposes at any time.

Will your consent or refusal to give consent affect your child's IEP services?

No. Your school district must provide all required IEP services to your child at no cost to you, whether you give consent or refuse to give consent for purposes of the school accessing your MO HealthNet benefits.

What if you have a question?

Please call the Raymore-Peculiar Special Education Department at 816-892-1350 with questions or concerns.