Northwest Evaluation Association (NWEA)
In the areas of reading and math, it is given to all students in grades K-5, three times a year.
In the area of reading, it is given to all students in grades 6-8 as well as to high school students enrolled in English in grades 9th-11th two times a year.
In the area of math, it is given to all students in grades 6-8 as well as high school students enrolled in algebra 1, geometry and algebra 2 two times a year. Students enrolled in certain reading, math or language intervention courses also take the assessment mid-year to monitor progress.
NWEA Growth provides information to teachers to pinpoint specific skills of students needing intervention, differentiate tiers of instruction (e.g., Multi-tiered System of Support [MTSS]) and monitor progress.
Growth describes the extent to which a student’s growth trajectory estimates they are “on-track” to demonstrate a foundational understanding of grade level standards by the end of that academic year.

Academic Readiness
This describes a student’s level of academic content knowledge at a point in time.

Academic Readiness By Growth
This quadrant combines the academic readiness measure with the growth measure to describe the extent to which students are growing as expected to demonstrate understanding of grade level standards.