Communication Director
Ph: (816) 892-1314
Fx: (816) 892-1380
Raymore-Peculiar Administration Services Center
21005 S. School Rd.
P.O. Box 789
Peculiar, MO 64078
Monday - Friday
7:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Raymore-Peculiar School News is a weekly electronic newsletter for school district families and patrons.
A Message from Mike is an electronic letter from Superintendent Dr. Mike Slagle.
Receive text messages of urgent or important information. Parents: When registering your students, sign up to allow SMS messaging.
RP Update - RP Update is a weekly email news service to keep you informed about issues or events in the district. If there is an important announcement or crisis information to share, there will be an additional alert. Feel free to share this information with others.
Ray-Pec App (Download for Android)
Ray-Pec App (Download for iPhone)
Contact the Communications Department about internal communication, external communication, media relations, community relations, web site content and social media.
Communication Director
Ph: (816) 892-1314
Fx: (816) 892-1380
Communication Intern
Communication Intern