Focus School Software Logo

Focus is the district's new student information system provider. The Raymore-Peculiar School District is transitioning from our former provider (Tyler SIS). The following training materials can help you start to navigate this resource.

Step 1:

Have you ever logged into Focus before?

Step 2:

Do you see all the students you want to attend Ray-Pec in your parent portal?

  1. Click each student to complete & submit re-enrollment forms.

  2. You have completed registration.

  1. Progress to Step 3.

Step 3:

Has the student not listed in your Focus portal ever attended Ray-Pec?

  1. Click add existing student use student PIN & ID to link.

  2. You have completed registration.

  1. Click add a new student to complete & submit registration forms

  2. You have completed registration.

Introduction to Focus - Video Tutorial for Parents

Click on the video for a basic introduction to the main view and features you will use within Focus. While this is not intended to be a comprehensive tutorial, it should provide a helpful orientation to the most frequently used parts of Focus.

Change Requests

A guide for parents to request updates to their child's address and contact information within Focus.

Step-by-Step Guides: desktop or mobile