NWEA Reports

Useful Reports for...

Class Overview:

  1. Quadrant Report--interactive; shows high/low growth vs. high/low achievement by student.

  2. Class Profile (Beta)--contains mean and class RIT for goal-setting

Overall Lesson Planning

  1. Learning Continuum Report--contains actionable areas for teacher to target

Student Specific:

  1. Student Profile Report--interactive and you can toggle easily from student to student; great longitudinal graphs that are visually appealing

Suggestions for Reports/Order to Check Out:

General View of the Class:

  1. Start with your Class report for a general overview of where the scores lie.

  2. Use the Learning Continuum for breaking down the content.

    • Look at Class View to show where your students tested

    • Test View gives you a better view at the continuum of skills through NWEA.

Student Specific:

  1. Student profile report

  2. Student's placement on the quadrant report

Goal Setting:

This is where you'll get real growth.

Set goals and talk about what they need to grow.

Growth Goals

Where should the average student score?

Student Achievement Norms

RP Instructional Technology Team does not own these images. Both images come from the NWEA documentation found here: Growth Goals

How much should the average student grow?

Student Growth Norms

RP Instructional Technology Team does not own these images. Both images come from the NWEA documentation found here: Growth Goals