LEAP is an intervention program for gifted students in grades 2-12 who have been identified as gifted learners. Students must meet qualifying levels on identified assessments in order to participate in LEAP. The levels are prescribed by the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education and have been adapted to the Ray-Pec LEAP program.
Nomination Period Now Open
Each year, parents or teachers may nominate students in grades 1-7 for candidacy to be evaluated for LEAP. The nomination period is from January 2-24, 2025. The nomination form link will be available on January 2, 2024, on the district webpage: https://forms.gle/hPyeKGkoQ41M9Gwo8
Our school counselor, Jennifer Cochran, serves as our building LEAP coordinator. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to email her or call her at 892-1750.