LEAP Grant for EMS
East Middle School Honor Rolls
Group photo of December Students of the Month
RPEMS Husky on a blue background with the words "Ray-Pec East Wrestling"
Dr. Mike Slagle with Karla Heinrich and Renee Anthuis
Golden Retriever sits in front of a background with paw prints
Matilda Jr. poster
RP Select day
Black and gold decorative image with the words Congratulations!
Cover of 2022-2023 Husky Yearbook
Teachers hold giant check
Katie Campbell holds giant check
District of Choice splash screen with a bunch of arrows
September Students of the Month
East Middle School Husky logo
Online registration is now open for the 2023-2024 school year
Tan background with gold seal and red ribbon with the words: Honor Rolls, Ray-Pec East Middle School
Ray-Pec East Middle School presents "Beauty and the Beast"
Ray-Pec students selected for All - State MCDA Honor Choir
An award ribbon with the words: Ray-Pec East Middle School Honor Rolls