Dear South Middle Parents,
It’s almost time to kick off the 2024-2025 school year! Our theme for the year here in the district is Here We Go!
I hope you are as excited as I am to get school started. There are great things in store for your student this year at South Middle and I can’t wait to find ways to celebrate, challenge and support them. This is my first year in the district and as principal at South. Joining me on our all-new administrative team are Toni Davis (Asst. Principal) and Jim Brown (Athletics & Activities Dir.). Between the three of us, we have more than 25 years of experience in administration across the metro in large districts. On the instructional side, we are welcoming nine new teachers who will serve students in our building. We all look forward to getting to know you and your family as the year goes on.
Important Upcoming Dates
● Thursday, August 15th: Meet the Teacher Night & Schedule Pick-up, 4:00-6:30 pm
● Friday, August 16th: 6th Grade Preview Day
● Tuesday August 20th: First Day of School
● August 28th: Picture Day
● September 2nd-3rd: No School
Our school website will be updated with more information about each event and flyers will be sent via email.
Important Reminders
● More information about athletics and activities, including fees and physicals will be coming to you soon
● Please consider joining our PTA and/or Fathers’ Club. More info about both are on our website.
● Rising 6th graders attending Preview Day need to sign up here.
Have a great day! See you soon!