Winter Incentive Party

South Families, 

We are rapidly approaching the end of our first semester and our holiday break! Below is what you need to know about Friday's schedule and activities.

Students have time this week to turn in work based on their teacher's expectations and timeline (check Focus and Canvas for deadlines). The absolute latest submission time is Thursday at the end of the day. At that time, administration will finalize the lists of students who are eligible to participate in our Friday Incentive Parties and Assembly. Our early release, afternoon assembly schedule is shown below with our grade rotations for each party students can qualify for. Students not qualifying for a party (or those choosing not to attend) will have quiet rooms to work or read in. 

Parents Please Note:

  • All students should plan to wear PE appropriate shoes for the party rotation in the gym (Behavior Party). 

  • School rules about cell phones and electronics still apply during these parties. No devices allowed out.

  • PTA will be running the concessions stand during the incentive parties, please send your student with cash to pay if you would like.

Qualifications & Snacks

Students qualifying for parties will have access to popcorn and hot chocolate at no charge in various locations during the day. Students qualify for the behavior party by having no OSS, no recent ISS, and fewer than 2 detentions. Grade Party qualifications are to have no Ds or Fs. Tardy Party attendees must have 5 or fewer for the quarter.

The whole school assembly will feature a performance by the jazz band and cheerleaders and include a variety of games for students to compete in with each other. Scholar Bowl will hold a trivia competition, a few teachers and principals have even volunteered to be pied in the face! We look forward to a very fun celebration and community-building day.

Grades will be submitted by teachers on January 2nd and will be posted afterward. Please call the office if you have questions or plans to pick your child up early that day.

Thank you and have a wonderful winter break!