What you need to know:
The SMS Student Council will be hosting a mixer for our 6th grade students on February 26th from 3:00 PM- 5:00 PM and a combined mixer for 7th and 8th grade students on February 27th at the same time. Students will stay after school and then need a ride home at 5:00 PM.
There will NOT be school provided transportation for students at the conclusion of the Mixer.
Students will need to be picked up in the east (back) parking lot promptly at 5:00.
Please park in a parking spot and don't come through the circle drive. Students will exit out the cafeteria doors.
This form must be completed by:
Friday, February 21 with no exceptions for late submissions.
Students will not be able to stay if this is not submitted on time.
Click Here for 6th Grade Mixer Permission Form
Click Here for the 7th/8th Grade Mixer Permission Form