Parents and children at play
Children wearing KC Chiefs spiritwear, sitting in front of a "Go Chiefs" banner.
RayPec Foundation Prize Patrol with oversized check.
Children with dental health professionals, sitting in chairs.
Children sitting at tables, eating popcorn.
Superintendent dressed as an elf with a class of students and two teachers.
Dr. Mike Slagle with Karla Heinrich and Renee Anthuis
Golden Retriever sits in front of a background with paw prints
RP Select day
RayPec Parent Educators
Principal holding check for grant from Ray-Pec Foundation
Papa Johns fundraiser flier.
Children and teachers standing in front of firetruck
Children dressed as community helpers.
Four children sitting at a table wearing pajamas and eating a snack.
District of Choice splash screen with a bunch of arrows
Children painting at a table.
Mrs. Boehmer's Class Earns A Bubble Party!
Children holding stuffed animals.