Hope all of our RE Families have the Trivia Night on their calendars for tonight! See you at 6pm!!
Who has the best principal ever? Raymore Elementary does. Principal Miller we appreciate you!
We wish everyone a wonderful & safe Spring break. We will see students back in school on Tuesday, April 11th
Summer School is right around the corner. Click on the link for information:
25 of our RE students received a Shivers Ice celebration this afternoon courtesy of Major Saver for selling 15 MS cards.
We are excited about Kindergarten screenings today!
The district has compiled a list of answers to some frequently asked questions. Those FAQs can be found: https://www.raypec.org/o/rpsd/page/prop-rp-1-faqs
One question from those FAQs is this: Why does the ballot language reference an increase?
The answer is this: When the debt service levy transfer question appears on the ballot, the District is asking voters: Can we shift existing tax contributions from one levy to the other, without changing the overall tax rate? The April ballot reflects the District's intention to increase the operating tax levy by 50 cents over three years and decrease the debt service tax levy by the same amount over three years to accomplish no net impact on the overall tax levy.
We hope you will be able to take a look at the other FAQs to provide you with information about this election.
HAPPY FRIDAY!! Thank you to everyone that was able to stop by and participate in our Family Night! It was great to have families back in the building for events such as this. Students and families were able to build & construct, learn about coding, participate in drum fit & table ball, learn about robotics hosted by our own RPHS Robotics Team, and learn about objects in the sky & outer space hosted by The Astronomical Society of Kansas City. Thank you to everyone who helped make this event a success!
REMINDER TONIGHT IS OUR FAMILY NIGHT! Raymore Elementary Families, we hope you will join us tonight March 23 [5:30-6:30 pm] for our Family Night! TONIGHT will be filled with a variety of activities for students and families to participate in. Some examples are: games, science projects (Project Lead the Way), a Ray-Pec High School Robotics team demonstration, Drumfit, table ball, and the Astronomical Society of Kansas City will be here with telescopes. Concessions provided by RE PTA. See you TONIGHT.
Raymore Elementary Families, we hope you will join us on March 23 [5:30-6:30pm] for our Family Night! This night will be filled with a variety of activities for students and families to participate in. Some examples are: games, science projects (Project Lead the Way), a Ray-Pec High School Robotics team demonstration, Drumfit, table ball, and the Astronomical Society of Kansas City will be here with telescopes. Concessions provided by RE PTA. See you there.
Hello RE School Family,
Students at the LEAD Center have organized a campaign to collect (new unopened/sealed) chapstick for Operation Uplift, a nonprofit that distributes care packages to deployed service troops, from elementary school children.
The campaign has a St. Patrick's Day theme and starts tomorrow, March 10 through Thursday, March 16. We realize this coincides with the RP Foundations' C.A.N. food drive, but we hope families think about supporting this initiative.
The LEAD students are turning this into a friendly competition to add some excitement, and the top-donating classes will win the following rewards: First prize is a pizza party; second prize is an additional recess with a snack; and third prize is an extra recess.
There is a special bucket in our office for your kiddos to turn in their chapstick!
Thank you!
April 2023 Prop RP-1 Tax Rate Transfer Issue:
Residents of the Ray-Pec School District must be registered to vote by March 8, 2023, to vote in the April 4 election.
*Please note: This election takes place during Spring Break. This link will give you information about registering and voting absentee.
Kindergarten and PreK registration for the 2023-2024 school year will open this Friday, March 3!
If your child will be 4 years old by Aug. 1, 2023, please see the link below about our prekindergarten programs.
Click on the link for information on kindergarten registration and screening if your kid will be 5 years old by August 1.
The Raymore Elementary Scholastic Book Fair is here. SO MUCH FUN will be happening! The attached book fair schedule is provided for you! This will also be Read Across America week plus the start of a canned food drive! Flyers are also attached.
P.S. Students/teachers are able to pre-order the newest DOGMAN book "Twenty Thousand Fleas Under the Sea". With tax, the book total comes to $16.40.
Raymore Elementary Families, you still have time to place your PTA RE Spirit Wear Shirt or Sweatshirt orders! The last day to purchase spirit wear is February 29th. Download the order form for details.
TOMORROW is "Hats off to Kindness!" [Friday, February 17th]
In honor of Random Acts of Kindness day tomorrow, Friday, February 17th, your student(s) may wear their favorite hat to school. We love encouraging our students to find ways to show kindness each day. We want to teach them how one small act of kindness to one person can have a ripple effect and impact many more.
Jenni Beck, Counselor
Raymore Elementary
The Raymore Elementary Scholastic Book Fair is quickly approaching! Please review the attached book fair schedule as well as our Read Across America Dress Up Spirit Days schedule!
Become a RE Watch D.O.G.!
Watch D.O.G.S. (Dads Of Great Students) is a safe school initiative of the National Center for Fathering that involves fathers and father figures to help create a more safe and secure learning environment in our nation’s schools.
Raymore Elementary has participated in this initiative since 2012!
Who are Watch DOGS? Fathers, grandfathers, step-fathers, uncles, and other father figures who volunteer [once they are approved through a required security background check] to serve time in a variety of school activities as assigned by the school principal and counselor.
Here are a few pictures of some of our WatchDOGs this year.
See our flyer for more details.
Major Saver card sale begins Feb. 15!! The Raymore-Peculiar Public School Foundation will once again offer Major Saver cards for sale Feb. 15 to March 1 through Ray-Pec elementary and middle school students.
The $15 cards feature 21 special offers. In addition, you may download a free app to access other reusable offers. A portion of the card's purchase price benefits the Foundation, and a portion benefits the school of the student seller.
Since 2001, nearly $620,000 has been raised through the Major Saver card sale to benefit Ray-Pec schools and the Foundation.
Starting next week, Major Saver cards can be purchased from local elementary and middle school students via cash or check. You can also purchase cards online at WWW.MAJORSAVER.COM. Cards purchased online can be credited back to a particular student and school. All cards purchased online will be mailed directly to the customer. Major Saver cards can also be purchased, and credited to a student, through the Major Saver App.